“A good medium is rare.” -Scooby Doo, 1972

Outi Condit & Rosie Swayne (Iso-Britannia/Suomi): Osana apparaattia / Within the Apparatus
Paradoxes of Photography exhibition in the Museum of Photography 13.5.-28.8. 2022
Audio piece in Finnish and in English, 4 headphones
An imagined image is invisible, and it can be shared only through its effects. Its manifestation is shaped by the experience of those who feel its imprint – a trace, a ghost, an influence. In our hypervisual society, photographs serve as the ectoplasm of our private, social, and political imagination. Their stage is our visible, perceiving, and imagining body. Outi Condit and Rosie Swayne invite the exhibition visitor to listen, process and thus embody heard images. The audio installation explores three themes; the archives at the museum, the exposure and perpetuation of racism and racial bias through photography (co-created with Marjorie H. Morgan), and a dalliance into the realm where paranormality lives through photographic technologies. The pieces play with analogue, digital and algorithmic processes, histories and politics, gently inviting audience members to become the matter through which images can be observed to flow. How to be a medium?